What is Genymotion?
- Basically Genymotion is a front end app that hooks into the Oracle VirtualBox API and gives you advanced emulation and development features.
- It also has a portal where you log into and download pre-formatted virtual machines already configured with various popular distros of Android OS.
- It has a free version for personal use which has some limitions but is still worth installing.
- And it has a paid version which is designed for advanced users who are developing Apps for Android.
How is Genymotion different?
- The guys at Genymotion have taken the Android installations on VirtualBox to a new level!
- No more hunting for images because all the popular distros of Android are in the download portal.
- And built in are emulators for all the popular hardware platforms like: Samsung, Google, and HTC.
How to install Genymotion?
Step1: Create a Genymotion account at , active account and login.
Step2: Download Genymotion from Box. If you alreay have VirtualBox insatlled, please click 'Get Genymotion without VirtualBox'
Step3: Run Genymotion installation file, leave all the options as default will be OK.
Step4: Let Genymotion automatically install VirtualBox.
Genymotion will automatically download VirtualBox and prompt you to install it. If you already have Virtualbox installed you will be given the prompt to re-install the version that comes with Genymotion.
Step5: Click ‘Finish’ to complete the installaton and automatically lanuch Genymotion. At the same time, you will find three icons on desktop as below.
How to get emulator work?
Step1: Set proxy. If you are working behind a Corporate network, proxy is needed to connect to Internet.
Step2: Login
And choose the target image to install
Step3: Click 'Finish' to complete the installation
Then you can see the installed virtual device in both Genymotion and VirtualBox.
Step4: Start your Android virtual device by clicking start button.
Once the setup finished, you will get a standard Android lock screen and desktop.
Step5: If you need to install unauthorized app, configure security setting and check 'Unknown sources'
Step6: Install app need to be tested.
Step7: Now it's ready to test your app just like on a real device.